The Crystal Radio Kit K2216 is a great way to get into radio engineering. It features all the components you need to build your own crystal radio, including a tuning capacitor and antenna coil. With this kit, you can gain an understanding of radio engineering fundamentals.
This kit allows kids and students to construct their own functional crystal radio set. They can discover how the crystal diode changes RF into audio and delve into the realm of AM radio. It can tune in to preferred AM radio stations and receive frequencies ranging from 520-1650 KHz (AM). Moreover, they can gain knowledge about how radios operate. The package includes an earphone and an illustrated guide. It does not require any soldering.
Suitable for children aged 10 and over
Looking to get started in the exciting world of electronics? Look no further than this excellent beginner's kit, complete with an easy-to-read operating manual filled with helpful illustrations. No previous knowledge of electronics or tools is required - circuits are built using simple spring clip terminals and leads. It's a great gift for any budding electronics enthusiast and is also suitable as a teaching aid for schools and other educational establishments. Plus, there's no need for batteries or a power supply, making it a practical and cost-effective option for repeated use.
Dimensions: 125x160x50mm